Calcott Card

Signup for your card today

Sign up for a Calcott Reward Card and each time you visit you’ll save money across the shop, including Fruit & Veg, NS Risdon’s Butchers, Star Fishmongers and the Barnyard Café. We aim to offer even better value every time you shop.

Get your card scanned at the tills each time you visit to save money with our monthly offers and exclusive vouchers. The offers are emailed to you each month and are displayed throughout the shop.

Follow the signup link at the bottom to register and you can pick your card up instore the following Tuesday.

  1. Click Link Below
  2. Fill out your details and hit Subscribe
  3. You will receive an email asking if its you who wants to subscribe. Click the 'Yes please subscribe me' link
  4. Collect your card in a few days from the shop. Unfortunately we don't mail them out.

Terms and conditions of the card can be found on our Card Terms Page, and our privacy policy can be found here.

The latest offer email will be linked below as it is sent so you can see the sort of offers we have for card members.

Example offers email

Sign up here

NOTE: If you have lost your card or need an additional one, for a partner or spouse, please email [email protected] and we will get that sorted for you